Nail Your Messaging!

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Digital Marketing Copywriting Services

 As a web copywriter, I free my clients from the hassle of trying to write strategized content to attract their ideal customers. No more hair pulling (or hijab twisting!). With my expertise, female entrepreneurs can focus on the part of their business that they actually enjoy (and are amazing at) while I take care of creating engaging, targeted copywriting to get them growing fast! InshaAllah

Landing/Squeeze Pages

Sales pages, landing pages, or “squeeze pages” – the place you direct traffic to take action. 

A result driven page needs to be a single minded, specific page. Entice people to take the action you want them to take through effectively communicating your understanding of their needs & offering a solution. 

Lead Magnets

In the world of digital marketing, we call lead magnets, “ethical bribes.”

A lead magnet, often in the form of an e-book, info graph or even video is a value based exchange for an email/contact etc. 

Funnel Writing

Regardless of what platform you’re using to execute your funnel, you’ll need carefully crafted copy to convert. 

To be successful, you can’t just throw in any type of copy; you need a hook, story and irresistible offer!

Website Content

This is where you live online. 

Your online business location is best equipped with what makes your customer comfortable. Build rapport, have a personality and most importantly make it worth their while (offer value)! 

E-mail Marketing

Without creating proper email campaigns you are leaving money on the table!

Right now, in 2020, email marketing remains the best way to convert and retain customers with an ROI of up to 4400%!

E-commerce Product Listings

Getting exposure on your product listings means you have to make sure to include enough details.

By writing specifically to your USP you will discover the power of good branding. Brand voice is everything to your audience.

People don’t buy the ‘thing’ they by the experience, make it worth it!

Real Marketing WORKS!

I’m going to be real here, most small businesses don’t know what a copywriter is or does. They are convinced that since they speak the language then they can write effective copy and call it a day. So let me explain.

A copywriter’s job is to get someone to take action, thus it is very strategized. It takes knowing who your ideal client it, what’s going on in their head, what keeps them up at night, why you’re the answer and then crafting copy with your end goal in mind. It’s not simply slapping words on a screen, nor is it “keyword stuffing” as some like to think.  


IF this is you...
You're Losing money

The copy you put our there is everything you are as a business. It is everything potential customers will learn to love (or hate) about your brand. It is the height of business strategy and requires careful thought. 

Choose wisely. 


I’m a native English speaker. Unfortunately it’s the only language I know, but clients have hired me to write English copy from French and Arabic with the use of Google translate 😉👊. 

I live in Canada, I’m a devout Muslim, mom of three and a strong advocate for the use of chocolate chips!🙃

I am a published author of the book Muslim Marriage 101, and used to love writing poetry, I even recited one of them on a Dawud Wharnsbly Ali cd ( ol’ skool – I cringe at the thought of it, lol). I once launched an e-commerce store (I don’t do much with it – its bad) called Muslim Child – selling thobes now, but before it was “funny” Muslim baby clothes. So I know 3dcart, Shopify, wooCommerce. 

I’m pleased to say, June 2024 I launched – it’s been a labour of love, from concept, to production. 😍

I have worked as a copywriter since 2011 and in digital marketing since 2015. I like to break things down by telling stories, penetrate barriers by building rapport through empathy, elicit emotions through targeted messaging and solve problems with real solutions. ❤️ I also quite enjoy creating and editing promo videos. 

I like to think of myself as a truth marketer. No lying, rather leveraging the value clients have but fail to really see. This makes for real connections and attracts clients to you, instead of you running after them!

Psst… a side note here, I only work with female clients 🤩🌹

What are your business goals? Send me a quick message and let me know below:
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