Don’t Just Stand There Looking Pretty 😉

I’ve written quite a number of websites for clients over the years. Many of my clients would fuss over things like images and even font, yet they weren’t quite sure what information they should include on their website.

To make the process easier for you, I’ve broken it down in five steps, or five core elements that your company should consider when putting your website content together.

So, here goes!

1. Keep it Clear and About Your Customer

In a matter of 5-10 seconds of hopping on your website, your viewer should have a basic idea of what you’re about. This includes graphics, your prized logo, and the essential text that first greets your reader.

If products are what you’re selling, then your viewers should quickly get a glimpse of your bestselling product(s) with CTA, general style (brand tone) and overall price point (discount, designer, etc.).

If your business is service based, then they should have a feel for what field of services you’re in, your level of professionalism (competency via text) and where to find you (CTA)

While the above implies speaking about yourself, it’s proven that people want to know what you can do for them. Your content should tell them who you are by speaking about how they can benefit from you.

2. Distinguish Yourself from the Pack

If a potential buyer has not left your website yet and is satisfied with the fact that it’s very possible you have what they need, they should easily be able to find more information (in short blurbs).

Sadly, businesses tend to fall short in this step, which equates to lost revenue. You already have them at your doorstep, don’t keep the door locked!  

Customers want to know their money will be used in the best possible way, based on their primary needs.  By taking your website copy one step further you have the opportunity to speak to your potential customer directly; not simply leave them to go window shopping and figure out if you are the solution for them.

Adding details of what you’re offering, using words that resonate with your particular buying audience(s) and leveraging your unique stance must come through in your website copy.

3. To be Valued, You Must Value Yourself

Even if you’re a second-hand thrift store with amazing prices, you need to understand the value in what your store does to the lives of customers. For example, in this situation, a thrift store will fill a house with all the essentials necessary to ‘turn their space into a cozy, home’ and not simply jeopardize their daily needs by overspending. It’s a win-win situation for the customer that comes into a thrift store needing nice things but not having the financial resources to afford it.

Recognize your true value and impart this knowledge onto your customers. Don’t assume it’s obvious.

Take the initiative to express your worth in a way your potential customer(s) would appreciate.

4. Don’t be Perfect

Too many times sales comes with this perfect, flawless persona of being ‘the best there is’ – when in reality it likely isn’t the case.  The idea isn’t to act like you’re perfect, the idea is to offer value, be honest (establish a trusting relationship) and provide real life solutions.

Think about it, “perfect” doesn’t exist, but the pursuit of perfection is constant. We inherently put up red flags when things are “too good to be true”, however, we can accept that it may not be ideal but it is still good for us.  To achieve this, your copy should address any potential concerns a customer might have.

For  example,  you may be selling a shirt that crinkles a lot after it’s washed (fact), but if you don’t put it in the dryer and instead hang-dry it, the wrinkles will drastically be reduced (fact) while still enjoying the soft, light, summery fabric. Acknowledge what your customer is thinking and offer them a way around any potential issues.

Another example: as a service provider such as myself, clients at first glance might think I’m overpriced, especially if they’ve never worked with a copywriter. This often holds true for almost all services, because inexperience will lead many to the assumption that “it doesn’t take much to do the job” – whether it’s in beauty, child care, fitness, or even construction!

 So, how do I as a copywriter address this services dilemma?

Well, if I’m targeting small businesses that have no idea what a copywriter is or does, I must recognize that it’s an entirely new concept for them.  It falls on me to clarify what I do and explain how the benefits of a professional copywriter outweighs their presumed own abilities or that of While it’s not ideal for them and they have concerns with the price, once they understand a professional copywriter will research their competitors, establish their USP, brand voice, support SEO practices, etc. they will understand the value of what they’ll be receiving and be able justify the price point.  

However, if my target is a mid-large size business, then they already (for the most part) understand how copy is the forefront of their business, so I can go straight into the specialization of my services. Specialization entails experience, and with experience on a company’s side they’re in a much better position to prosper.  

5.Keep Calm and Stay Confident

Remember, people will judge you.

It is human nature regardless of those who deny it; we all do it on some level. We catch vibes, we look for commonality, we search for security, we wait for assurance – we are judgemental by nature, that’s just the way it is. It’s a defense mechanism and that’s okay. But to thrive, one must acknowledge it happens and work accordingly.

With that said, hold firm to your business values and proceed with confidence. You can’t impress them all, but the ones that carry the same values, will soon enough come flocking!

 So, as an educated, professional business, it’s your job to make the most of the opportunity to present yourself (ie. your website) and put your best foot forward.